Hi! I'm Nadia Setzer.
I stand in the belief that every woman is capable of living a life bursting with pleasure, confidence, joy, sensuality, and abundance.
Here's what I know:
Your body is sacred and deeply wise.
Your pleasure and desires will lead you to your truth.
Your sensuality is the key to unleashing your freedom.
You were born to be radiant.
As women, we often hear the message that we're either too much (too sensitive, too sexy, too bossy, too talkative...) or not enough (not strong enough, not thin enough, not smart enough, not pretty enough...).
As a result we shut down, make ourselves small, and hide our truth.
We look outside of ourselves for answers, instead of within to our own inner wisdom.
We focus on taking care of everyone else, on checking off all the items on our to-do lists, on proving that we can "do it all"...and at the end of the day we're left feeling exhausted, depleted, and still, we berate ourselves for not getting enough done. No wonder so many of us struggle with depression, anxiety, low libido, addiction, and food disorders.
It's time for a new paradigm.
One that celebrates our unique gifts as women.
One that honors these wild, wise, and miraculous bodies of ours.
One that sets our souls on fire.
My Journey
The road that has led me to where I am today has been long and bumpy…
Here’s a snapshot of where I've been over the last fifteen years:
I struggled with feeling lost and disconnected from myself. I spent my days going through the motions, feeling "fine," but deep down I knew I wanted more. I just didn't know what.
I was stuck in a marriage I should never have entered (if only I had had the courage to listen to my intuition).
I relied on food to numb the pain, which resulted in me hating my body and using crazy diets (followed by crazier binges) and exercises to “fix” her.
It took a divorce and the ensuing my-life-is-crumbling-around-me period for me to finally create the space I needed to hear the wise woman within me.
Slowly I learned to tune in and listen to my own inner wisdom. I learned to trust myself. I learned the radical importance of self-care. I learned that pleasure and opening up to my sensuality were keys to living a life of truth and beauty grounded in my feminine power.
My life today looks so different that I still wake up in awe and gratitude every morning at the beauty of it all.
I am passionately in love with an amazing man who is the best husband and partner I could have asked for on this constantly evolving journey toward deeper intimacy and connection.
Beauty and pleasure are part of my every day from candlelight dinners for no reason, to impromptu solo-dance parties, to wonderful friends and deliciously lengthy conversations over wine.
My relationship to my body and food is one that is becoming softer, gentler, and more loving every day.
And yet, my life is by no means perfect. Despite how incredibly blessed I am, I still have many bumps in the road.
The difference is that through the roller coaster of it all, I now have the tools to return time and time again to my feminine wisdom, making every day a wild ride toward more conscious beauty, love, and connection.
Fun Facts
I was born in a village in the mountains of Togo, West Africa, by the light of a kerosene lamp. (Let's just call my parents adventurous.)
My first language is French, but I lost my accent when I was 17 so you wouldn’t know it.
After living in 9 countries and 14 cities, I finally found my true heart in the green rolling hills of North Carolina where I now live in a spicy red house surrounded by horse and dairy farms.
The yawning pup in the photo is Kairo, our over-dramatic hound dog. We love him, and his antics, dearly.
Good wine and artisanal cheeses make me insanely happy.
Salsa dancing was my first true love. We still flirt on a regular basis.
Degrees, Certifications, and Trainings
Integrative Health Coach, Duke Integrative Medicine
Certified Holistic Health Coach, Institute for Integrative Nutrition
Certified Member of the American Association of Drugless Practitioners
School of Womanly Arts Mastery Program
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction 9-Week Program, Duke Integrative Medicine
Certified in Reiki Level I & II
Bachelor of Arts in International Studies and Spanish, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill