Radiant Woman Circle
A 6-week journey to prioritizing your pleasure, honoring your truth, and stepping into your feminine power.
Hello, Gorgeous.
I believe that you were born to be radiant.
I believe that pleasure is the pathway to your authentic power.
I believe that your desires will lead you to your truth.
I believe that, as women, it's time to break the chains of striving, perfection, and over-doing that are keeping us stuck and depleted.
It's time to learn a new way of being...
One that allows us to flow with life, rather than push through it.
One that beckons us to slow down and listen to our own inner-wisdom so that we may find ease and balance throughout our days.
One that celebrates our feminine bodies and feeds our sensuality.
Welcome to the Radiant Woman Circle.
I'm so glad you're here.
If you decide to join me on this six-week journey, you'll enter into a sacred space with a small tribe of loving and supportive sisters. Together, we will gently shed the layers that are getting in the way of you living the life your heart longs for.
Ready to be your fully radiant self?
What's included in the Radiant Woman Circle?
Six Weekly Circles
A small group of badass women (six max). We meet once a week for two and a half hours of sharing, growing, laughing, and creating magic.
Weekly Home Practices
Deepening practices sent to your inbox every week for you to apply the work that we do in the circle. This is where the rubber hits the road!
Private Coaching
One 50 minute coaching call with me to check-in about your experience and dismantle any blocks that might be keeping you stuck.
You'll also get the following bonuses and goodies...
These are the topics we'll be digging into each week...
Embracing our Wholeness: the Dark and the Light
Learn to tenderly embrace all parts of yourself so you can begin reclaiming your wholeness.
Explore the notion of what "Divine Feminine" means to you and how she shows up in your life.
Start setting the stage for your 6-week transformational journey and beyond.
Honoring our Desires and Prioritizing Pleasure
Get intimate with your heart’s deepest (and, chances are, unspoken) desires.
Learn to make subtle shifts that create a big impact in your day-to-day life.
Understand the importance of pleasure and how to turn it from an occasional indulgence into an essential daily ingredient.
The Feminine Art of Surrendering and Receiving
Practice the art of receiving and begin to open to the stunning opportunities waiting right outside your door.
Loosen the need for control without feeling disempowered.
Learn when to surrender and trust so that you can go from resisting life to effortlessly flowing with it.
Loving our Bodies in their Perfect Imperfection
Begin healing your relationship with your body exactly as she is, right now.
Create customized daily rituals to honor and love your body as a sacred temple.
Start celebrating your one-of-a-kind beauty in your daily life.
Stepping into our Sensuality (a.k.a. Making Love to Life)
Discover the four steps to awakening your sensuality.
Deepen your experience of the five senses through food, dance, music, meditation, and beauty.
Master the art of living sensually every day.
Tapping into our Intuition and Taking on the Future
Uncover your body’s unique way of communicating with you.
Make wiser day-to-day decisions by regularly checking in with your intuition.
Reflect on key learnings from your six-week journey and determine the next steps you are committed to taking on your ongoing path.
In this circle you will learn how to:
Look inside yourself rather than outside for answers, allowing your feminine soul to guide your actions and decisions.
Reignite your wild sexy side.
Feel at home in your skin and love your divine body.
Defuse daily stresses with pleasure and creativity.
Transform rigidity and control into sensuality and flow.
This circle is for you if:
You long to bring more playfulness, pleasure, and passion into your days.
You're eager to begin an epic love affair with your body.
You hunger for more in your life. "Fine" no longer cuts it. You want to live every day full-out.
You're ready to shed the layers that are covering up the true YOU and start the journey of coming home to yourself and standing in your truth.